In Tarpon Springs, Cara bribed Robyn with stuff so she would go to Busch Gardens and ride the coasters with her. I still didn't want to go so they took the hotel shuttle and off they went. As for me...I was going shopping. I googled up directions to several stores and had me a fine time. As I was driving, I noticed the temperature. That number says it all. It was too hot to be at an amusement park. I sweat at the drop of a hat (thank for that gene, Dad) and the day of being a wet puddle didn't appeal to me in the least. I had a phone call from the girls about how miserable they were in the heat and how they wanted to leave. I made the right call for me.
Did you find any jewelry supply shops, bead stores?
I made it a mission not to look for any lest I spend. I need to use up some of my stash first.
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