I remember when we first moved to Louisiana. It was 1970. Our next door neighbors were die hard LSU fans. On home game Saturdays, Mr. Benefield would open all of his windows and crank up "Hey Fighting Tigers, "Tiger Rag", and any other songs played by the Golden Band from Tigerland. He would then proceed to get ready to leave for the game. Getting ready seemed to involve filling his trunk with cases of beer. He always wore his LSU football game attire of a purple shirt, gold pants, white belt and shoes, and freshly manicured flat top. We had just moved to Louisiana from New Mexico and I thought he was crazy. I made a vow to never go to a school where the fans and alumni were nuts. Fast forward 3 moves and 8 years later, I am graduating from high school. The funny thing about saying you are never doing something is that sometimes you do exactly what you said you would never do. Yes, I attended LSU and received my B.S. and M.A. from there. I love the place! I am not as nutty as Mr. Benefield was, but I love me some LSU. Needless to say, there was some hooting and hollering last night when my beloved Tigers won the College World Series. Go Fighting Tigers. Go all the way...
Added on 7/2/09...I had forgotten to post this one when I was updating the blog after the great hard drive mishap. How could I have forgotten?
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