Since my computer was kaput (and you probably know where I am going with this), I did a little knitting. A yarn shop opened up last September about 20 minutes away and I felt the need to make a visit. You will be impressed that it was my first visit there. I was afraid to go, because I knew I would fall in love with a ton of yarn and you know I don't NEED any more yarn. Want it, but don't need it. Today I did need a certain color. My trusty chauffeur took the wheel and off we went. I spent a lot of time drooling over the yarn. I picked up a bunch, but I made myself put it down. I was proud of myself, because I only bought the one skein I needed. Robyn on the other hand was the big purchaser. At first she wanted me to drive home so she could admire her purchases, but the lure of being able to drive was stronger and she decided to let her poor mother do the admiring for her.
LYS= Local Yarn Store
You are a stronger person than I! I'm actually about to head out yarn shopping;) The problem with the yarn store that I know and love is that they are always getting in new and interesting things. Thus, you can never really rely on them to have the same thing twice, and you can't count on the fact that they'll have something in particular that you need. So really, the store doesn't cater to buying just the one color you need. Instead, you must splurge away letting yourself get sucked in to all of the gorgeous new fibers. Sigh.
I was getting sucked in big time, but I was able to pull away from the gravitational pull. Have fun buying yarn today and I'll be home wishing I was you :)
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