Tonight, I was all settled in waiting for Jon and Kate to come on. It was the season premiere and I am all "Miss Nosey" on how they are going to play the drama going through their lives at this time. I had my drink...check. Sufficient volume...check. My current knitting project...check. Everything I thought I needed. I was getting all into watching the show and knitting, when Whiskers decided I had forgotten something. Cat on lap...not check. She walked all over me until she found the perfect spot. It was on my chest about 4 inches from my chin. I had to crook my head to the side to see the TV. Whiskers is the purriest cat I have ever had. She purrs all of the time and loudly. It is hard to get annoyed with her when she is so happy. As the show progressed, she eventually settled in further down my lap and completely across my yarn. One of the cakes of yarn made the perfect pillow. She stayed in my lap for about an hour. I enjoyed having her there. She is such a cutie.
You and I had the same idea!! I got in my loungewear, got my knitting out, got a glass of water, and sat down to watch Jon & Kate too! I hate when the kitties get in on the knitting action--Hobbes just bats the yarn, but I could handle just some purring. How sweet!
I think Jon and Kate are over, sadly. Never once did they say they loved the other person and wanted to work things out. My heart breaks for them and their family. It was sad, wasn't it?
We had the same idea because great minds think alike.
Um...that is just too cute! And I know the feeling...
Jon and Kate made absolutely no eye contact throughout the show. That's totally my passive agressive way of expressing that I won't be talking to a person so I totally zero in on that. So sad for them...and I almost feel guilty. If it wasn't for all of us watching, would John still feel happy with his life? Weird where life takes you and how you deal with things.
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