When Phillip and I moved into this house, we wanted to have bunches of daylilies lining our walkway. We found a local grower and made many weekend treks out to his property to check out all of the different varieties. He had hundreds of different kinds. Some bloomed for months and others for a short time. We poured over his catalog and made our choices. Over the years, they have died off. I feel a little sad each spring when another one doesn't come back. We do have a few that always come back and give a great show. This is one of them. We have about 5 clumps in a small triangular area by the driveway. This variety is a heavy bloomer throughout the summer. I am always happy to see their lovely red and yellow faces.
Even though their blooms only last for one day, daylilies are wonderful flowers and one that I will always have in my gardens.
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