Lately I have noticed a lot of crawfish holes in neighbors yards. I went in the back to see if we also had some new crawly neighbors and we do. There are 14 crawfish holes out back. The back of our yard is wetter than the area close to the house (yea!). Years ago when my Dad and I were putting up our fence, that area of the yard was where the water table was the highest. When digging the holes for the fence posts, the holes in that area would fill with water before we were able to dig to the depth we needed. This is the area the crawfish have made their home. I have never seen a crawfish walking around in the yard other than at a crawfish boil, but obviously they have found a home here. It is funny to see these volcanic mounds of mud sprinkled in the back. You gotta love living in Louisiana
Oh, I didn't know that they did this! How funny. Do you catch and eat them? I would feel guilty after seeing them build a little house and all. Do you see the little guys too? I'm curious about this--do report, please.
Wow...I didn't know they did that either! We used to have some that swam in the creek behind our house growing up...but I never noticed any homes. I wish I had!
Okay, now you have Joe AND me wanting to learn about these little guys. Do they live in here?
Lin and Joe- I don't know what areas crawfish live in. I know there are plenty to be found around here. If it was worth his while, Phillip would quit his job and sit outside bating the holes and warming up the pot.
Nancy- I never see them. I only see the holes. If I was able to see a glimpse occasionally it would make sense. As it is, they just pop up overnight.
Aren't these little mud columns a hoot! Crayfish, or crawdads are common throughout the US. Don't know about other places.
I have an acre of land and there are 3 to 400 mounds in my yard when it rains.I have to knock them down so it will not make the blades dull on my mower the mud also collects on the bottom of the deck.I am looking for a way to kill them.I am so sick of crawfish I think its worse then fireants. Sherry
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