Cara is selling Girl Scout cookies. I bought several different kinds for the family as I usually do. I kept our cookies in a larger box on the dining room table. Since they are still in this larger box, they have remained untouched. I am amused that they have not been eaten in the week and a half they have been sitting there. If I had taken them out of the box and put them in the kitchen, those 11 boxes would be long gone. I wonder how long I can sneak a cookie or two before one of them reads this post and finds out what is up?
It isn't hard to "kill" a box now that they have reduced the amount of cookies to about 6 in a box. I like the cookies, but they are such a rip-off and the girls only make 35 - 40 Cents a BOX! Talk about overhead! Whew. I give the troop cash now and avoid paying council all that profit. I used to be cookie Mom--can you tell?!
Yum! Girl Scout Cookies. I once froze a box of Thin Mints - the dieting tip is to freeze the tempting stuff and only thaw what you'll eat in a single, reasonable serving. Fair enough. But did you know that Thin Mints taste just as good straight out of the freezer? No thawing necessary (so much for that idea...).
I'm gonna tell...
Mmmmm...my favorite time of year! I could never go more than a couple of days without scarfing them all!
Hey--you can make your own thin mints! Melt candy-making chocolate, add some mint oil, and dunk some Ritz crackers. Wahlah! Thin mints!
lucky you, having them all to yourself (so far)!!
Lin- I am with you on how it stinks that the troop gets so little profit. I might have to try the homemade thin mints...
Lisa- Now if I can get them to the freezer before they are eaten, I will give this a try :)
FeeFiFoto and Kate- Robyn read the blog just before midnight and scarfed the rest of the box. I knew it would not stay secret for long once I let the cookie out of the box so to speak...
Nancy- I am with you. It has taken a lot of willpower not to just go face down in the boxes and not come up for air until they are all gone.
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