It is days like these that one feels lucky to live in Louisiana. It was beautiful outside...72 degrees and a light breeze...not a cloud in the sky. Phillip wanted to take the fur girls to the lakefront. What a great idea! They will love it. In weather like this, everyone is at the lakefront. There would be lots of other dogs and people to greet. The human girls didn't want to go, so it was just the 4 of us. Skittles and Jasmine were so excited. Jasmine didn't cry one time in the car and Skittles had her head stuck out of the window as far as it could go. I twisted my knee on Thursday and am still hobbling, so I sat on the sea wall and watched them walk off. Tails were wagging (or waving in Jasmine's case). I love to watch people and today was the perfect day. I had a great time watching families and happy dogs, joggers and kite fliers. We didn't stay out long. The girls were exhaused by the time they came back to me. They had a wonderful time checking out all of the smells and other "people" on their way. It was a perfect way to spend part of today.
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