On Friday mornings, I help Cara's homeroom teacher by filing the week's papers into the take home folders. I have done this for her teachers for the past 3 years. It is an activity I enjoy. I get to know a little about the students in Cara's class, while sitting in the back of the class filing away. I also get to watch Cara "in action". She is pretty much as I expected...paying attention sometimes and sometimes not. Her teacher moves the students to new locations quite frequently. It is interesting to see who she is sitting by and to be able to put a face with a name I hear from her class stories. Filing usually takes from 30 minutes to an hour and I am happy to be able to free up the teacher from that task.
As a fellow teacher, we appreciate your help!
I am happy to help out in way. There is a lot of paperwork that could be done by others.
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