Here is another hat from my "Ollie" pattern. I can't decide if I like this yarn or not. It is called Amazing and is made by Lion Brand. I had hoped the colors would be more vivid. Also I was hoping I would get to the blues in the yarn, but the hat was complete before I got that far in the skein. This time I played with the pattern by leaving off one repeat to make the hat fit without the turn-up at the brim. I also decided to go up a needle size to see how much difference it made in the fit of the hat. Not as much as I thought it would. It is a tiny bit looser.
I can't wait until I get a full head of hair so I can really determine the fit of my patterns. It is still not long or full enough that I would feel comfortable going about without a hat. I still get called "sir" quite often when wearing my baseball hat. It is white. Maybe I should wear a pink hat all of the time. You would think that the dangly earrings in each ear would give them a clue.
Hat #5 in my 11 hats in 2011 challenge.
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