Cara has become quite the social butterfly. Well, she likes her friends to fly over here. She came up with the idea of having a "Countries" party. Each person attending the party was to choose a country and bring something that represents their country. It could be food, a dance, song, or just facts. I thought that was a great theme for a party. She also planned to have the "countries" compete in Wii Olympic matches also. Cara decided to go as Russia since Russia is one of the countries of descent on Phillip's side. When I asked her what she was planning to share about her country, she said she was going to tell them all about Russian Roulette. I had to have a little discussion with her about how that was not appropriate for the party. She did point out that she was not going to show them how to play it, just tell them about it. Um...no. She did find some other wonderful facts to share about Russia that I didn't know about. That kid...
Attendees at the party represented Slovakia, Germany, Haiti, France, Holland, and China. She has a great group of friends and they are fun to have around.
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