2. Cara started playing the guitar. Phillip bought a guitar for me a year ago and I had never gotten around to playing it. Cara said she was interested in taking lessons. She is wonderful. I love listening to her although she does not like it.
3. Phillip continues to be busy at work. Good for us, but bad for his clients. People are still declaring bankruptcy big time.
4. I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I kinda felt I would get it and worried about it for years ever since a scare in 1988. It was a bit freeing to get it out there, face it and then kick it to the curb. The biggest pluses? No more mammograms and I had lots of time to knit.
2. Robyn went to college. I know this is a good thing, but I miss her...even the messes she makes. Five hours away is too far for me to just jump in a car and go and see her. That fact would be on her "good" list.
3. I can't think of a #3. This year wasn't bad at all if you take out the cancer stuff. We are fortunate to have so much and have much to be thankful for. Maybe this should move up to the "good" list and be #5 there :D