This weekend is the Three Rivers Art Festival in Covington. We love going to this festival. There are so many talented artisans, the weather is usually beautiful, and best of all they have a student art show. In years past, this festival was very good for Robyn's art. She placed every time she entered. This was the first time Cara had a piece entered and we couldn't wait to see what it was. Her regular art teacher brought the pieces the students had worked on in her class. I was disappointed when I saw the piece she entered for Cara. It was no where near her best. When I asked Cara about how the pieces were chosen. She said that the teacher told the class to come up and pick which piece they wanted in the show. She didn't feel like getting up, so I guess the teacher closed her eyes and picked one for her. That's my Cara. Phillip bought a really cool clay piece. I had a great time looking at all of the art eye candy.
Now I know you are wondering why I have a picture of Chicken on a Stick for this post instead some of the great art I saw. Well, I was too busy looking at the goodies to take pictures, for one thing. When Phillip and I stopped to eat lunch, they had a booth that sold Chicken on a Stick. Chicken on a Stick brings back fond memories of another great art/craft show, one that takes place twice a year in Canton, MS. It covers the Courthouse Square, and several blocks of the nearby streets with wonderful arts, crafts, and the occasional junk. If you go up for the Canton show, you get to the show around 5am (well, the hard core shoppers do). Yes, 5:00 in the morning. That is when all of the best stuff is still there. The one of a kind stuff. You are walking around with flashlights and giggling as you pass others doing the same. The show doesn't officially open 7, but many of the merchants will let us buy early. Since you are getting such an early start, you start getting hungry for lunch around 10 or so. On several of the corners are booths selling Chicken on a Stick. You get a Chicken on a Stick and find a nice curb to sit on. Eating and people watching is a great way to pass the time when you are tired from shopping. At some point (and it has always happened), a 18 wheeler full of chickens will pass down the main street. A couple of minutes later, a fully loaded log truck will follow. We always get a kick out of seeing the "pre Chicken on a Stick". Until today I had never seen Chicken on a Stick anywhere else except at Canton. I had to take a picture of it and send to Mom. She likes it too. There is something special about chicken, pickles, onions, and potatoes dipped in batter and fried on a stick that stays in your mind.
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