Robyn is off to college. She drove up to Tech on Friday and we followed with the rest of the stuff on Saturday. I don't remember the dorm rooms being this small back in the day, but I guess they were and I blanked out on that. Robyn had not met her roommate before arriving at the dorm, but the talked several times online and they sound like they will be a good match. Cyrus was hanging out with Robyn and helped us move her things into her room. I was grateful for that.
I was grateful I was able to go at all. My Oncologist was able to adjust my chemo schedule so I would feel well enough to make the trip. They moved it up 5 days. Since I didn't have the full three weeks between treatments, I got the lovely side effect of hand and foot disease and had some blisters on my hands and heels. A prescription of a steroid cream made it bearable and off I went. Blasted chemo interrupting my fun...
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