As usual, I was piddling around on Ravelry reading the message boards and looking at patterns. It is not like I don't have a ton of patterns already printed out, and you can tell that I tend to make the same hat over and over. I guess it is like collecting cookbooks, yet you seem to make the same food you always have. Anyway...back to this picture. I saw a post that had a ton of responses. Being the rubbernecker that I am, I peeked in to see what all of the excitement was about. It was a thread about a headband. I had never given headbands a thought. The more I thought about it, it began to sound more and more interesting. I looked through the patterns and found one that looked intriguing. It had a lace pattern and I had been wanting to give lace a try (other than the yo/k2tog). Robyn was interested in a headband, so cast on I did. This pattern was a lot of fun and I learned a couple of new stitches along the way. She was happy with how it turned out and wore it to school once it was completed. I felt good to see her wear something I had made. I don't usually get to see someone wearing the items I knit.
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